
Symbiosis was another team project. A team member programmed the enemy chase AI and I programmed all other movement, puzzle, health, gun, and enemy animation mechanics. Visual examples of my work are shown below. This project was done in Unreal Game Engine. The final game had key cards of 6 colors including the red one below. The main mechanic of the game was meant to be the vampiric gun that uses player health as ammo refills.

Enemy Animation States

F8MxPYA - Imgur

Enemies can be in one of 4 states: Attacking, Screaming, Dead, or Ai. Attacking and Screaming loop their respective animations. Dead allows for an unanimated, posable corpse. Ai state allows the enemy to follow the player, attack and scream, and die after taking enough bullets.

Key Card Collection and Door Unlocking

h11DUwZ - Imgur

The Player can collect key cards with a specific color in order to unlock a subsequent door in the level. This mechanic and its implementation was borrowed from and expanded upon my previous 2D Game.

Healing Through Kills

Ja1tJi7 - Imgur

The Gun can heal the player when enemies are killed.

Reloading With Health

jBShzrn - Imgur

In order to reload the gun, the player must use some of their health.